Due to its outstanding efficacy, Traditional Chinese Medicine has seen very little change to its core principles and modalities within the last 3000 years.
One of its greatest modalities of Traditional Chinese Medicine is Acupuncture. It has been shown that the needles used in acupuncture are indeed versatile in their uses and effects. When used with skill and discipline, acupuncture needles can help to harmonize the functioning of the body’s organs, optimize the use of its energies and vital substances, strengthen its defenses, relieve pain and inflammation, improve the healing of scars and trauma, calm the mind, and balance the emotions.
Acupuncture needles are often painless and are only inserted very superficially just below the skin. The effect the needles have on the organs is due to what is called “viscero-somatic nerve response,” meaning the correct sensation effected on the surface is communicated to the corresponding organ on the inside. However, like all other modalities in Chinese Medicine, the unique perspective that gives acupuncture some exciting advantages in health care, is that it attempts to find the balance of QI, pronounced (chee). Using a single acupoint on the ankle, for example, may fortify the ankle, relieve lower back pain or headache, strengthen the function of the kidney and bladder, and help to calm anger or anxiety. Acupuncture recognizes the relationships and bonds between all these aspects of the body which may normally seem separate. It’s a completely holistic concept which views all phenomena as an organic whole.
A whole body working together is called, QI. It is observed in Chinese medicine that all things are not only connected to each other but balance each other. The job of the acupuncturist then is not in fighting disease, but in directing the body’s functioning to affect a proper and natural balance. When the body is balanced and harmonized, disease has no means to manifest itself and any disease that would have otherwise come can be prevented long before it arises. See your acupuncturist regularly to stay balanced, find harmony with the seasons of life, and discover health that only gets better with age.
The World Health Organization has listed these as some of the conditions which Acupuncture can benefit:
- Asthma, Bronchitis, Sinus Infection
- Cold, Flu, Sore Throat, Hay Fever
- Stomach Ulcers, Colitis, and Indigestion
- Diarrhea, Constipation
- Hypoglycemia, Diabetes
- Earaches, Tinnitus
- Eczema, Acne
- Arthritis, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Bursitis, Tendonitis
- Sprains, Neck and Back Pain
- Headaches, Migraines
- Bell’s Palsy, Trigeminal Neuralgia
- Stroke
- Infertility, Morning Sickness
- Anxiety, Depression, Stress, and Insomnia
- Weight loss
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